Our Role

The main role of the Malaysian Real Estate Institute (MyREI) is to assertively champion, guide, and elevate the standards of excellence within the expansive domain of real estate disciplines. At the forefront of our dynamic initiatives, MyREI meticulously orchestrates comprehensive certification programs, advanced training modules, cutting-edge research endeavors, and influential publications, all meticulously designed to cultivate unparalleled proficiency in the ever-evolving real estate industry. Beyond the confines of traditional professional development, MyREI stands resolute in its commitment to empower individuals across diverse domains, imparting not just knowledge but a transformative skill set essential for achieving self-reliance. From navigating the complexities of real estate investment and housing dynamics to mastering the intricacies of urban planning, property ownership, local governance, and the nuanced realms of property management and marketing, MyREI emerges as a guiding force, dedicated to equipping individuals with the acumen needed to make informed decisions and excel in the multifaceted landscapes of the real estate arena.


Our mission is threefold:


  • To establish as the preeminent referral centre for real estate discipline, serving as a trusted hub for expert guidance and information.
  • To elevate and dignify the knowledge of real estate, fostering a culture of expertise, professionalism, and excellence within the industry.
  • To actively disseminate comprehensive real estate knowledge throughout Malaysia, contributing to the broader understanding and advancement of the real estate sector across the nation.


To emerge as a pioneering force of real estate in Malaysia.

Contact Us:

Phone: +607-4538397

Email: myrei@uthm.edu.my


Malaysian Real Estate Institute (MyREI)

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia 

86400 Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, Johor